Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 1

d Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 1<br />February 11, 2010<br />Tomsk<br /><br />Встреча со студентами
Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 1
February 11, 2010

Встреча со студентами томских университетов.
11 февраля 2010 года Томск

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Dear friends, I am glad to be here today and naturally to talk to you.

I lectured for a long time, almost 10 years, albeit at a different university as you know, at St Petersburg University. Doing what I love, especially in the legal profession, still remains close to my heart. But today of course I am not giving a class, I will not lecture, so I will keep my introductory remarks as brief as possible. I understand that you would rather ask your questions and get the answers. And, frankly, I find it more pleasant to answer them than to give some boring preamble.

I will just say one thing: my colleagues and I came to Tomsk today in order to work on what is perhaps the most important topic on our agenda, namely the modernisation of our economy. The modernisation of Russia's economy must be based on new technologies, innovation and the radical restructuring of the country's internal economic structure. This is rather hard to do as our economy is quite complicated. The volume of national wealth and natural resources is massive and, strictly speaking, for many years we did not really work in this area: we were actually engaged in extracting and light processing of our natural resources and their subsequent exportation in order to make money. All this gave us a good income and allowed us to live and live well, before the crisis in any case.

The crisis has brought everything back to earth, and shown us that there is really no future for a commodity economy. And since it has no future, this means that we have to invest in technological change, in an innovative economy, in what many people are now talking about on television, writing about in newspapers and discussing on the Internet and other media channels.

I am naturally ready to answer any questions and I hope they will be interesting. And I am pleased that you appreciate my brevity. (Laughter.)

I will keep it very simple: since I dont know you all personally, I will point at a person and say "you ". Ok now, please raise your hands. How about you.

QUESTION (Ye. Yemelyanova): Youve been talking about innovation today. I am a student participating in a project-based learning group. We develop our own projects and ideas. Then our draft is sent to the business incubator. But unfortunately there is no business incubator for technology. At one time this project was supported by the government, the necessary equipment was purchased, and there is even a place to install it. But unfortunately the 90 million rubles advanced so far is not enough ...

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: This is great! I thought you would formulate something. Well, what is it?

Ye. YEMELYANOVA: ... to lay the necessary communication lines to the building where this equipment could be installed. Is it possible to further support this project?

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Of course it is possible. Is the Minister of Finance here? Hes hiding. There is the Minister of Education. Where is it located?

Ye. YEMELYANOVA: Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Yuzhnaya Square, a new building.

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Mr Fursenko [Minister of Education and Science], please take note. You can discuss this with the Minister of Finance and with your other colleagues.

As you know, last year we witnessed some very important, I would say dramatic changes in our economy. On the one hand, this created the need for strong, innovation-based growth but, on the other hand, many projects were simply frozen. I dont know whether this is the reason in this case probably, it is, but we will get back to financing issues, perhaps not immediately, but step by step [in English]. In any case this is something we will have to deal with.

But you spoke on the subject so you can mark this test passed both for yourself and your colleagues who apparently have discussed it with you.

Now its the mens turn. You, please.

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Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 2
Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 2
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  Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 3
Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 3
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