Д.Медведев.ХI съезд партии Единая Россия.21.11.09.Part 1

d Speech at 11th United Russia Party Congress.Part 1<br />November 21, 2009<br />St Petersburg<br /><br />Выступление
Speech at 11th United Russia Party Congress.Part 1
November 21, 2009
St Petersburg

Выступление на ХI съезде партии Единая Россия.
21 ноября 2009 года

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Good afternoon, dear colleagues.

A year ago we agreed to coordinate our efforts to overcome a major economic crisis. As the ruling party, United Russia was responsible for the situation in the country and played a very active and significant role in these efforts.

In the federal and regional parliaments and local councils, United Russia supported virtually all the measures proposed by the President, the Government Cabinet and the countrys Central Bank. Naturally, they moved quickly to enact the legislation necessary to stabilise the money supply, safeguard the bank deposits of individuals and organisations, and protect the national credit and financial systems.

Regional leaders, many of whom are members or supporters of the party and of course are present here today, also generally managed to do what had to be done and worked conscientiously.

Anti-crisis offices took action and continue to operate in every part of the country. First and foremost their activities were directed at cooperation with trade unions and other non-governmental organisations, directly with companies and the workers who faced the most severe economic problems, and of course with the citizens whose welfare was under direct threat.

Thanks to the cooperation of civil society, United Russia and government authorities at every level, the negative effects of the global crisis have been alleviated to a very significant degree. Of course we would all like to reduce those effects to zero, to eliminate such consequences entirely. Alas, no country in the world can do that, and we are no exception. Yet we were able to minimise the damage. The government and by that I mean all of us here has successfully met its social obligations, and that is what is most important.

I must stress that carrying out such commitments is of course essential but is not in itself enough. We need to ensure the resumption of economic growth and increase in incomes of our citizens. How? I spoke to this issue in my Presidential Address [to the Federal Assembly] and so theres no point in simply repeating myself.

Nevertheless, I will say a few more words about the state in which we currently find ourselves. A backward commodity-based economy, which in the modern sense of the word can hardly be called an economy, cannot guarantee substantial and sustained national prosperity. Our social well-being is highly dependent on factors over which we have no control, on the fluctuations and vagaries of global market conditions.

True, other countries are in a similar position to some degree. But our country's dependence on global markets and foreign markets is extremely high. And this is bound up with the structure of our economy. That is why our country needs a new economy, a smart economy based on intellectual superiority and the production of highly specialised information, aimed at continuously improving our quality of life through the creation of new technology. Such an economy is crucial if Russia is to remain a global power. We simply have to create one.

This will help us achieve a decent standard of living for everyone. Really, if we remain a supplier of raw materials, well just go round in circles and begin to deteriorate as a result. Therefore, to maintain its dominant position in the political system, the challenge for United Russia is clear: it must not only stabilise the situation in the country but also modernise the economy. That is your main task.

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