Д.Медведев.Выступление на заседании.19.01.10.Part 1

d Speech at Meeting of Council for Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy.Part 1<br
Speech at Meeting of Council for Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy.Part 1
January 19, 2010
The Kremlin, Moscow

Выступление на заседании Совета по реализации приоритетных национальных проектов и демографической политике.
19 января 2010 года Москва, Кремль

PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Good afternoon, dear friends and colleagues.

This is the first meeting of the Council in the new year. At this meeting of the Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects, we will be talking about Russias younger citizens, namely their health and education.
First of all, I think we need to discuss issues related to the current demographic situation. Let me remind you that almost all of us here started working on demography back in 2006, when priority national projects were launched. In 2007 we approved a concept for demographic policy through to 2025. Over the past four years there have been new and positive demographic trends that is the main thing.

Let me cite a few figures. Of course you know them but nonetheless it is gratifying to hear them again. Thanks to a programme of birth certificates, more than three million mothers have exercised their right to choose their own medical institution. We have discussed this repeatedly: this is a way of motivating women to pay major attention to their maternity.

Year after year an increasing number of women and children receive high-tech medical care and we have been active in introducing new technology for nursing newborns. As a result, the infant mortality rate has gone down for three consecutive years same as maternal mortality, while birth rate has been growing. In August last year for the first time in the past 20 years the birth rate exceeded the death rate.

As of January 1, 2010 families in which the second and subsequent children are three years old will benefit from maternity capital [a grant given following the birth of second and subsequent children], as we agreed a few years ago. As promised, it has been indexed to the rate of inflation, which has made it go up accordingly in the last while. In 2010, this benefit will amount to 340,000 rubles [11,000 dollars].

Given that we have already begun paying out this maternity capital, we need to analyse just how convenient the mechanism for providing these funds is for the citizens in question. Let me suggest that the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development, the Pension Fund and the regions pay particular attention to this issue.

You will recall that at the end of last year I signed a law on additional measures to support families with children. It expanded the concept of retirement savings which can now include the money received as maternity capital, as well as income gained from its investment.

However, despite the fact that over the past four years there has been a steady upward trend in fertility and, consequently, a reduction in the mortality rate, there are regions where the situation is still precarious. On average in Russia, infant and maternal mortality is still many times higher than it is in the leading countries of the world. Yes, we really have had some good results and our improvement is evident. But if we compare the figures in some regions in particular with the global average, or more precisely with European indicators, then our achievement is not nearly as impressive.

January 1, 2011 will mark the end of the first phase of the implementation of the plan for the demographic policy concept.

We have very little time left to reach our targets, just under a year.

The very first thing that we need to do, the most important thing, is to continue to introduce modern technology for nursing babies in their first year of life. In effect this is the course we decided on together four years ago. But now the further development of a network of perinatal centres is also on our agenda. I would like to hear, by the way, how the construction of new centres and the retrofitting of existing perinatal centres have been going and what problems need to be overcome. Also, as far as problems are concerned, we need to analyse the causes of construction delays in some regions.

Our second concern is the need to put special emphasis on healthy lifestyles for children and adolescents, including the prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction, the development of physical culture, sports, health and proper nutrition. This too must be dealt with separately.

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