Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 2

d Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 2<br />February 11, 2010<br />Tomsk<br /><br />Встреча со студентами
Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 2
February 11, 2010

Встреча со студентами томских университетов.
11 февраля 2010 года Томск

QUESTION: Mr President, during perestroika many outstanding scientists left the country and are now our competitors. What do you plan to do to avoid such a situation in the future? Thank you.

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Make those who left return by force and then put up an iron curtain so they cant get away again. (Laughter.)

Well, what do I intend to do? You know yourself what we can do: create an attractive environment for living here. And this is our common task. Its not just my job. Here is the Governor, the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy [to the Federal District], the Rector, the Minister, other colleagues involved in dealing with all this. We need to create the sort of living conditions that normally attract people.

Yesterday we were in an airplane, and my colleagues and I were discussing the subject of innovation, and there were some key people there from the Government Cabinet and the Presidential Executive Office. What we were talking about was a very revealing example for me: one of our truly outstanding young women left the country and ended up working abroad. Apparently she got sick of it and returned to Russia. On the whole, she is quite happy with everything here: the money is more or less acceptable, were about to resolve her housing problem, but there is one outstanding issue the infrastructure she needs for her work, that is the infrastructure for scientific research projects. This is a huge problem. The following was offered as an example. She says: "Lets imagine I want to order something. The problem is not that theres no money for it in Russia now there are funds available. But in America I would simply turn on my computer, fill in an electronic form and send it via the existing Internet-based order placement system, and theyd send me everything the next day, 3-5 days maximum. Here I have to go first to the accounts department, then to the logistics, then clear it with the provost and deputy director of the institute in charge of economic issues, then with the institute director, and only then do we send the request, and perhaps six months later I would receive what I need. That's the difference.

You see, the problem is not that we get lower salaries or that it is impossible to solve the housing problem - it is already being dealt with, although not as fast of course as we would like it to be. Its just that people cannot get on with doing what they want to do. Quite frankly, for me this is more worrying than our inability to pay high salaries. Let me say again: given the current state of our finances and good relations with business, this problem can be solved. The same is true for the problem of housing. But infrastructure is a mentality problem. And as long as we allow such a system of decision-making to exist, for example, for the purchase of equipment, refusing to give, say, a young scientist or laboratory director access to some sort of basic funding which he or she can use in any way they see fit, these people are going to go abroad. And those who come back are going to think about leaving again.

Okay, Im going to change sectors here. Please, go ahead.

QUESTION: First, I want to thank the government for its support of such initiatives as UMNIK [Russian abbreviation for Participant in Youth Science and Innovation Contest] and Start. In Tomsk, we have more than 200 UMNIK participants and over 100 small innovative companies opened under the Start programme. Some of them are already operating as per the law No. 217.

As you know, young innovators in UMNIK receive 400 thousand rubles [over $13,000]. They can then set up a business and get 6 million rubles under the Start programme. The problem is that there is not enough money for large-scale, big, ambitious projects. On the other hand, there are projects that the country really needs but they are difficult to commercialise. For example, my company is developing a 3G Internet project for Tomsk. We are grateful to the regional administration, the local university and the Tomsk Scientific Centre for their support, but this is not enough. Please tell me how we can go about getting access to other resources. Whom should we contact? How should we proceed? Thank you.

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