В.Путин.Вступительное слово.10.11.02.Part 2

v Opening Remarks at a Meeting with Representatives of the Chechen Public.Part 2<br />November 10, 2002<br
Opening Remarks at a Meeting with Representatives of the Chechen Public.Part 2
November 10, 2002
The Kremlin, Moscow

Вступительное слово на встрече с представителями чеченской общественности
10 ноября 2002 года
Москва, Кремль

In this connection I think it would be wrong to pass over the figure of Maskhadov in silence. That man came to power in the Republic after Russia effectively recognized the independence of Chechnya in 1996, and I want to stress the word effectively. How has he used his power? What kind of a mess has he started? What has he done to Chechnya? And where has he led the Chechen people?He brought the Republic to economic collapse, hunger, and total destruction of the social and cultural spheres; to genocide of representatives of other peoples who earlier lived in Chechnya; to numerous casualties among the Chechens themselves. It was he who brought about a war between Russia and Chechnya.At the same time, in spite of all the political abuses, the Russian leadership has until recently been in contact with him, and I would like you to know that. Until the summer of 1999 the federal authorities had been providing financial and material resources to the Maskhadov administration as part of economic aid to the people of the Republic. The money was intended to pay pensions, wages and social benefits. But it never reached the ordinary civilians.
Maskhadov for his part alternately spoke about the destruction of odious terrorists, and I think you should know that he urged us to eliminate these people (few people know about it), or he would suddenly appoint them as his deputies. He would now organise bandit attacks and now condemn those who carried them out after they had failed.In September of last year we invited him to resume direct talks. He sent his token representative to Moscow, but he avoided further contacts again. Instead of negotiations he chose the path of terror and threw his weight behind the villains who seized hundreds of hostages in Moscow on October 23.Today, after the tragic events in Moscow I categorically state that those who choose Maskhadov choose war. All these people, wherever they are on Russian territory or outside it will be regarded as accomplices of terrorists.And to those who wittingly or unwittingly, out of fear of the bandits or following the tenacious European tradition of appeasement, will continue to call us to sit down at the negotiating table with murderers, I would like to suggest they set us an example and first sit down at the negotiating table with bin Laden or mullah Omar.These people too are not killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people just for kicks, they too put forward political demands. Demands to the USA, to the European and Arab states, over the Middle East, Kashmir, and in our case, over Chechnya. They lay claims to other regions of the world.We are not against the settlement of disputed issues by political means. We are for it. But at the same time I would like to say that we separate terrorists and their accomplices from the political process.Those who today impede the restoration of peaceful and civilised life in the republic are, like years ago, using the slogans of independence and so-called self-determination as a cover. Let us also discuss that honestly and openly.In this connection I would like to remind you how separatism in Chechnya transformed itself into terrorism. It did not happen overnight. It is not today that Chechnya has become a hotbed and at the same time a victim of international terrorism.
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