Д.Медведев.С руководством Счётной палаты.18.01.10.Part 2

d Meeting with Senior Officials of the Audit Chamber.Part 2<br />January 18, 2010<br />The Kremlin, Moscow<br
Meeting with Senior Officials of the Audit Chamber.Part 2
January 18, 2010
The Kremlin, Moscow

Выступление на встрече с руководством Счётной палаты.
18 января 2010 года Москва, Кремль


There are some big projects, big construction sites that the whole country is watching closely, and of course everyone wants to know if the money is going where it should, being spent properly and effectively, and how the subcontracting work is being carried out.

Everything related to these big projects needs to be kept under particularly close supervision. I am referring of course to the preparations for the APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012, the 2014 Sochi Olympics, and the World Student Games in Kazan. Hundreds of billions of rubles have been earmarked for these projects and each rouble allocated has to be spent properly.

I do not think I have opened your eyes to anything new here. These priorities are clear and obvious and you are well aware of them yourselves. Each of the chambers auditors has their particular set of goals and objectives. I hope that we can discuss this now.
You know, the global financial crisis woke the world up to the fact that we need to take particular measures not just for domestic objectives but also to carry out supervision at international level, because as our recent experience shows, this is crucial not just for individual countries but for global economic prosperity, especially when we are talking about big countries and big economies.

I bring this up because one of the proposals that the G20 came up with is to establish a reciprocal monitoring system that would give all interested countries the chance to independently observe and assess economic developments in other countries.

I think this is very important so that we do not become hostages to poorly planned economic policies or speculative bubbles in other countries economies, absurd macroeconomic policies and so on. In this context, I think that the Audit Chambers capabilities as a major state auditing body established by the parliament could be used at international level too. After all, who better placed than you to cooperate on these issues, to work together in these areas with other organisations?

As I said, todays situation makes this essential, and it is part of the global economy to be open for contact and at the same time to keep close watch on developments in other economies.

To say a few words on one of the ideas raised today, namely, the question of nanotechnology and supervision of high-technology projects, projects in the IT sector and nanotechnology sector, I think this would be the right step, because we place great hopes on these projects as part of efforts to improve and reform our economy.

To quote one particularly important figure, state companies investment programmes have earmarked 2.5 trillion rubles for investment purposes alone. This is quite simply an enormous figure: 2.5 trillion rubles.

How this money is spent is a matter for separate analysis, but one thing I can say for sure is that a considerable amount of this money is being spent on investment. I think the figures are very small as far as innovation, economic modernisation and development of modern management systems are concerned. In this respect I even gave the big state companies CEOs the instruction to monitor this sort of spending.

I think the Audit Chamber could play a useful part too in this respect, because we are not indifferent to the way that the state companies spend the enormous funds they accumulate.

On the question of establishing a clearer legal framework for cooperation between the Audit Chamber and the control and audit chambers in the regions, and for better coordination of auditing work in general, I think it would make sense to set up a working group, perhaps under the Presidential Executive Office, in which Audit Chamber staff, would take part, and perhaps some of the auditors too, and which would draft proposals on ways to improve the regulation in this area.

Regarding invitations to major state events, I will ask the Presidential Executive Office to be attentive to requests from our colleagues from the Audit Chamber.

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