Д.Медведев.Коллегия Генеральной прокуратуры.04.03.10.Part 2

d Opening Remarks at Meeting of Prosecutor General's Office Board.Part 2<br />March 4, 2010<br />Moscow<br /><br
Opening Remarks at Meeting of Prosecutor General's Office Board.Part 2
March 4, 2010

Выступление на расширенном заседании коллегии Генеральной прокуратуры России.
4 марта 2010 года Москва

At the Interior Ministry Board I just mentioned, I announced the beginning of large-scale reforms in the Ministry. Such reforms are long overdue, but they are finally taking place because a number of external causes, including various crimes, have received considerable publicity and have adversely affected the authority of the Interior Ministry. All this is evidence of violations of the law in the Ministry itself, and problems involved in the monitoring of its activities on the part of prosecutors agencies.

In accordance with the law On the Police Force, the Prosecutor General and his subordinates shall exercise supervision over the activities of the police. You should pay attention not only to the way the laws regulating crime detection and investigation are observed, but also to the sort of everyday things to which we often fail to attach much significance, namely fulfilling the requirements of the laws governing the hiring of police officers, their service in the Interior Ministrys agencies, as well as enforcing compliance with social safeguards established for law enforcement officers.

Furthermore, in last years Presidential Address, I instructed you to deal with the issue of changes in the criminal law and changes in criminal procedure law. There are a number of such changes, some of which have already been adopted and a number that are currently going through the State Duma. These include the recommendation that punishment in the form of detention should be imposed only on high-risk suspects or defendants. Not long ago I introduced a bill on this subject. I would like to see an effective procedure in place to monitor the compliance with this legislation in the sphere of criminal prosecution.

Which leads to our second major challenge: although the most acute phase of the global crisis is already behind us (at least we hope it is), we need to pay special attention to the enforcement of legislation on the employment of our citizens. Unemployment, a subject that I have touched on repeatedly, is a major social challenge for us today and the main threat to social stability.

We need to monitor compliance with legislation on employment in general and with labour legislation, and ensure that regional programmes for the creation of new jobs are implemented. This is an extremely important task for everyone and, in particular, for the Prosecutors Office. As it was last year, any delay in the payment of wages or other violations of labour legislation should be dealt with harshly by the prosecutors in question.

In addition, we need to put more emphasis on the observance of laws concerning social protection for minors, veterans and disabled persons, as well as providing medicines for our citizens and enforcing laws pertaining to housing. Now the most urgent and pressing topic is the fulfilment of the law on providing accommodation for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Third, serious attention should be paid to economic crimes. In the past year I said I was not going to give specific figures but this one is particularly impressive there were more than 1,220,000 violations of laws relating to the economy.

The Prosecutor's Office has considerable experience in this area. Working with the Audit Chamber, other federal agencies need to effectively audit the proper use of public funds earmarked to support the real sector of the economy. The money we allocate for this is considerable: last year the amounts were substantial and this year the anti-crisis measures are ongoing. We must continue to monitor this spending. There will always be citizens willing to snuffle up to this trough.

We need to work harder to ensure the freedom of entrepreneurship and to protect the rights of economic entities. We must strictly enforce the schedule of audits set out in the annual consolidated plan.

It is unacceptable when, in pursuit of selfish goals, the regions literally shut off the air supply to entrepreneurship. Unfortunately this happens all the time. In such cases the response of the prosecutor's offices should be tough and swift. We need to continue our work to prevent unscheduled inspections of medium and small businesses. I discussed this with the Prosecutor General quite recently.

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