Д.Медведев.Встреча со студентами томских у-ов.11.02.10.Part 3

d Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 3<br />February 11, 2010<br />Tomsk<br /><br />Встреча со студентами
Meeting with Students of Tomsk Universities.Part 3
February 11, 2010

Встреча со студентами томских университетов.
11 февраля 2010 года Томск

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Mechanisms of the sort you just mentioned, programmes already up and running, this kind of supernatural, brand new mechanism does not yet exist. But I actually came here with a large number of officials and businessmen to discuss precisely such new mechanisms. After this exchange with you, there will be a meeting of the Commission for Modernisation and Technological Development, where we will be discussing precisely how to get the private business sector to fund such projects.

Not so long ago I met with the major public companies and now Im meeting with private companies. It should be of interest to them to take part in all these projects. But figuring out exactly how to involve them is not so easy. On the other hand, we are well disposed to business, we respect it, but it must understand its responsibilities to the country and the future of our nation.

What is the nature of this responsibility? Not only, for example, to pay adequate wages or to make certain investments, but to correctly identify priorities. There are major companies: they are all here, by the way, in the university building; you might run into someone, Mr Alekperov [President of LUKOIL], for example, walking down the hall and his colleagues as well. They have invested a lot of money in developing their businesses. This business, oil and gas, for example, can be a highly profitable, but they have to be involved in technological change and, in my view, work at developing other projects perhaps even in non-core areas. This is happening in other parts of the world. This is a kind of corporate social responsibility; it is a burden that they have to accept. But this burden cannot be imposed by the government. We cannot simply tell them what to do. Sometimes you can recommend something, but that is not very effective. This desire to help simply has to come from within. That is the first thing.

Second and equally important is that we must have a system of tax incentives; we will discuss this today as well. Tax incentives, customs incentives, and investment incentives in relevant fields.

Regarding how to finance projects that are difficult to commercialise: you know, I think that we sometimes exaggerate these problems, or in any case hide behind them in order not to provide funding. Because in my opinion virtually any project, if it is based on an interesting idea, can be commercialised. You just need to find the right people and the right way to present this idea.

You talked about financing 3G Internet. It seems to me that this issue is quite urgent: its not something other worldly, it's not beyond the range of fundamental science and may only be launched in 50 years; although, you know, sometimes predictions change, scientists are wrong, and businessmen are wrong. But you can already find money for this specific purpose. If its hard to find you have to ask first in one place and then another.

RESPONSE: 3G Internet is just a tool for developing and implementing the innovative economy, which many people are talking about.

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: Of course. I can tell you frankly that when I talk with private business, I campaign for almost all of them to invest in new areas and in our new economy. Funnily enough, some are amenable to persuasion. Recently the representatives of big business (I will not make publicity for anyone now) have, right before my eyes and with a little encouragement, invested hundreds of millions of dollars in our country and in Internet technology. I would stress that these are our businessmen, who have never operated in this field before. They are not people who have been working on it for ten years, but rather companies engaged in traditional areas and sectors of our economy: the oil industry, metallurgy and so on.

Lets hear from some of the ladies. Please, go ahead.

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