Д.Медведев.Комиссия по модернизации России.23.03.10

d Opening Remarks at Meeting of Commission for Modernisation and Technological Development of Russia's Economy<br />March
Opening Remarks at Meeting of Commission for Modernisation and Technological Development of Russia's Economy
March 23, 2010

Вступительное слово на заседании Комиссии по модернизации и технологическому развитию экономики России
23 марта 2010 года Ханты-Мансийск


Today's meeting of the Commission is devoted to a very important issue that we have already addressed several times within the framework of the Commission, as well as at the meetings I held recently on energy efficiency in the Russian economy. We talked about this last September at the energy meeting in Omsk. Still, since this is a very important and complicated matter, these issues will be very important in the upcoming years. Their resolution will require the efforts of everybody present. That is why today's discussion is not the first or the last conversation we will have on this issue. Today, I would like for us to analyze the measures being taken in this regard in the fuel and energy sector.

It is no secret that this sector has enormous innovation potential. It absolutely needs to engage in innovation, and unlike other sectors, it has the money to do so -- in other words, the money necessary to develop corresponding technological solutions, as evidenced through many programmes, as well the technological upgrade projects already being implemented.

But on the other hand, people often talk about the conservative nature of the fuel and energy sector, which is supposedly stuck in its role, or is even seen as being part of or personifying a paternalistic mindset, which posits that nothing needs to be changed: "everything will be okay either way -- we still have oil and gas, so we can continue to develop without technological improvements, and we certainly don't need any strange innovations." But that's just not true. Incidentally, today I became certain of the industry's good potential, which is already being realized, when I visited several facilities, including Surgutneftegaz and Rosneft. They are using new technologies to pump oil and creating new power plants that use accompanying gas: everything is done using the most advanced technological solutions. Without a doubt, this should motivate us to work on these issues.

Another issue -- and let's be honest here - is that a significant part of these technological solutions, just like the equipment being used, are foreign solutions; we are certainly using a great deal of foreign mechanisms and devices. Thus, our goal is to ensure proper localisation of such projects.

Nevertheless, we must also keep in mind our fuel and energy industry's social responsibility, as well as its role in preserving the natural riches of our nation. For many years (perhaps even decades), the world's leading governments have been working hard, working consistently to preserve their nations' natural resources for future generations. And Russia, too, needs to be on a proper modern economic level in this area.

We have been talking and will continue to talk about the social dimensions of modernisation. The new technologies we are creating are no toys for eggheads; they are things that allow us to lower costs, increase companies' incomes, and improve working conditions and environmental situation. Subsequently, they allow us to ensure better well-being in our nation. In other words, these are entirely practical results. Thus, the more advanced the technologies are -- as obvious as this might sound, but we still have to remember this and act based on this knowledge, - the higher living standards, and ultimately, better social guarantees we can ensure.

I gave a series of instructions following our previous meetings, and they have already yielded some results. Last November, a Federal Law directly addressing energy efficiency came into effect. You recall our discussions: ultimately, this law was passed quickly. Incidentally, this good result serves as evidence that if we all perceive such projects as important and useful to our nation, we can overcome even inter-departmental disagreements, not just though pressure from the President or some kind of draconian orders, but simply because it is in all of our interests.

The Government has issued the first package of necessary regulations, and we have begun to implement six integrated pilot projects. We are seeing our first results, and I am counting on our Economic Development Minister, Ms Nabiullina, to tell us about it today. We are just about to begin our work to resolve this highly important challenge. We are at the very beginning of our journey, and it is therefore imperative for us to create a whole range of incentives to develop projects of this kind.

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