Д.Медведев.Послание Федеральному Собранию РФ.12.11.09.Part 4

d Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.Part 4<br />November 12, 2009<br />The
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.Part 4
November 12, 2009
The Kremlin, Moscow.
Dmitry Medvedev delivered his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly.

Послание Федеральному Собранию Российской Федерации.
12 ноября 2009 года
Москва, Большой Кремлёвский дворец

I hope the time is not far off when Russias prosperity will depend on our successes in developing a market for ideas, inventions and discoveries, and on the ability of our state and society to find and encourage talented individuals capable of critical thinking, and rear young people in a spirit of intellectual freedom and civic activeness.

What are the main factors in this development, as I see them? The Russian economy must make peoples real needs its focus, and peoples needs today are primarily about ensuring their safety, improving their health, and guaranteeing access to energy and information. This determines our priorities for economic modernisation and technological development. These are the key tasks for placing Russia on a new technological level and making it a global leader. These priorities include introducing the latest medical, energy and information technology, developing space and telecommunications systems, and radically increasing energy efficiency.

A special presidential commission has approved specific projects in all of these five areas and has drawn up detailed timetables for their implementation. Work is already underway on their practical implementation. I hope for the active participation of all the state organisations, the business, scientific and expert communities.

I will go into a little more detail on each of these main modernisation areas because I think them vitally essential for our country.

The modernisation area of top importance for our people is developing medical technology, medical equipment, and the pharmaceuticals industry. We will provide people with quality and affordable medicines and also the latest technology for preventing and treating diseases, especially the diseases that are the biggest causes of sickness and death in our country. There is no need to say just how significant this is given the demographic situation Russia faces.

We have already drawn up a list of strategically important medicines that should be produced here in Russia. This includes the most expensive medicines, in particular medicines for treating cardiovascular diseases and cancer. We will need to produce more than 50 such medicines so that everyone who needs them will be able to receive timely treatment. Also we will soon dramatically increase production of our own medicines for treating the most common diseases such as colds and flu.

I think that Russian companies have the ability to produce medicines and technology that would find demand on the global market. For this we need to work more actively on developing partnerships with leading foreign developers and producers, who can contribute to organising advanced medical research in Russia itself.

We will also use the public procurement mechanism to encourage domestic production of medicines and technology. Within five years, Russian-made medicines should account for at least a quarter of the medicines market here and for more than half of the market by 2020. This is our goal.

I have also given the instruction to prepare and submit to the State Duma a draft law setting out regulations for medicines supply and sale and, extremely important, their safety demands. We have a duty to protect people from fake and counterfeit products on this market.

Along with the introduction of new prevention and treatment procedures we also need to pay particular attention to motivating and giving people the conditions to pursue a healthy lifestyle. I received a lot of feedback to my article and these words were on precisely this issue: The measure of personal success should be a persons health rather than the amount of money earned. Getting young people into the habit of playing sport would help resolve serious problems such as drug addiction, alcoholism and lack of adult supervision. It is hard to argue with these words.

I note that in August this year, Russia registered its natural population increase for the first time in the last 15 years. This growth is still only small just 1,000 people but still, it is an increase nonetheless. This result was achieved above all thanks to the National Project on Health and the new demographic policy we have been implementing. We will continue our efforts in these areas. We have every chance of ensuring that our population grows rather than declines.

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